Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] BDS 270/BDS 570
Blu-ray DiscTM receiver
Owner's Manual
BDS 270/BDS 570
IMportant Safety InStructIonS IntroDuctIon VerIfy LIne VoLtage Before uSIng unpackIng InStaLLatIon LocatIon cLeanIng MoVIng tHe receIVer SuppLIeD acceSSorIeS receIVer front-paneL controLS receIVer rear-paneL connectIonS reMote controL functIonS connectIonS preparIng tHe reMote controL SettIng up tHe receIVer uSIng tHe receIVer uSIng tHe DISc pLayer LIStenIng to your ipod/iphone DeVIce uSIng tHe raDIo LIStenIng to auDIo SourceS pLayIng fILeS froM uSB DeVIceS anD cD Data DIScS uSIng pLayLIStS trouBLeSHootIng aux coMponent reMote-controL coDe LISt SpecIfIcatIonS 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 8 10 14 15 19 21 23 23 24 24 26 27 28 33
Table of Contents
Important Safety Instructions
1. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. [. . . ] One Touch Play: When this option is set to "on, " pressing the play button on the BDS receiver when a Blu-ray Disc or DVD is inserted will automatically turn a connected tV on and switch it to the input connector where the BDS receiver is connected. One Touch Standby: When this option is set to "on, " putting a connected tV into the standby mode will automatically place the BDS receiver into the standby mode. System Upgrade: Select this option when you want to install a firmware upgrade for your BDS receiver that you've downloaded from a Harman kardon Web site or other Harman kardon source. Setup Wizard: this option activates the receiver's Setup Wizard (see Setup Wizard, on page 15). BD-Live Storage: When you select the BD-Live features from a disc's menu, you may be able to download additional content or other information via the Internet (through the BDS receiver's network connection) and onto a memory device inserted into the receiver's uSB port. this option lets you see how much space is available on the memory device, and allows you to delete previously-stored BD-Live content from the device. Restore Defaults: this option restores the receiver to its factory-default setting values. note: this procedure deletes all preset fM stations and restores the parental-control password back to the factory default of 0000. Language: this setting lets you set the language for the disc player and the disc menus, the preferred audio language and the preferred subtitle language. note: If the selected language is not available on the particular disc being played, use the disc's menu to set the language from those available on the disc. Playback: the playback option allows you to set the following disc playback features: Show Angle Icon: this option lets you select whether or not the angle icon will automatically be displayed when a disc with multiple camera angles is played. Auto Play: this option lets you select whether discs will automatically begin playing when they are inserted into the BDS receiver's disc player. Show PIP Icon: this option lets you select whether or not the picture-in-picture (pIp) icon will automatically be displayed when a Blu-ray Disc recording with pIp content is played. Secondary Audio Icon: this option lets you select whether or not the Secondary audio Icon will automatically be displayed when a Blu-ray Disc recording with secondary audio content is played. Disc Resume: this option lets you select whether or not a disc that has been ejected while playing will resume play from that location when it is re-inserted into the receiver's disc player. DivX® VOD DRM: this option displays your receiver's Divx registration information. Parental Control: this option lets you set the receiver's parental-control password and the level of parental control you want active. Network: this option allows you to set the following network features: Information: this displays your network's Ip, Subnet Mask, gateway and DnS addresses. Test Connection: this option tests for a proper network connection to the BDS receiver. IP Configuration: this option lets you enter your network settings, either automatically or manually. unless your network administrator instructs you otherwise, you should use the auto option. BD-Live Connection: this option lets you set the receiver's BD-Live connection preferences. [. . . ] · the selected function is not permitted at the time the button is pressed. · unplug the receiver's power cord from the ac outlet, wait 30 seconds, then plug it back in.
Sound plays through the speakers, but there is no tV picture:
there is no sound coming from just the subwoofer:
there is a constant hum in the sound:
the disc does not play:
there is noise or other interference in the picture while playing a Blu-ray Disc recording or DVD: the sound and picture are out of sync when playing to an aux source: cannot tune in radio stations:
the receiver does not respond to remote-control commands:
the remote does not control programmed components (tV or video):
the Ø symbol appears on the screen when you press a remote-control button: the receiver does not respond to commands, or it behaves in an erratic way:
You can find additional troubleshooting information in the FAQs link on the Support page at www. harmankardon. com.
BDS 270/BDS 570
Aux Component Remote-Control Code List
aDMIraL aIWa akaI
Aux Component Remote-Control Code List
Code Numbers
0192 1110 1011 1056 1020 1089 1040 0112 0123 2016 1019 1024 1056 1059 0109 0122 0106 0037 0045 1022 1093 1042 1053 0123 1088 1105
Code Numbers
0132 0114 0102 0128 0111 0087 0127 0108 1022 0119 0106 0116 0105
DanSaI Daytron Decca Decca (uk) Degraaf DISH netWork DIxI
1022 0132 1091 1038 1015 2012 1022 1201 1044 0063 1022 0014 0132 0205 0139 0115 0162 0132 1088 0042 0159 0128 0158 0123 0157 0045 1020 1199 1012 1096 1088 1023 0128 1032
aLBa anaM aoc apex arc en cIeL arcaM arIStona
1020 0122 0128 2014 1017 1017 1022 1048
1023 1060 1023
1025 1086 1088
DuMont DuMont-fInLux
aSa auDIoVox autoVox Bang & oLufSen Barco BaSIcLIne Baur Beko BLaupunkt BranDt eLectronIQue BrIon Vega BrockSonIc BuSH BuSH (uk) century cItIZen coMteL contec contInentaL eDISon craIg croSLey croWn curtIS MatHeS
1012 0012 1025 1088 1202 1020 1075 1022 0084 1017 1023 0206 1010 1044 1023 0132 1032 0045 1017 0159 1023 0132 0128
DynatecH Dynatron
Dynex eLectroHoMe eMerSon
1102 fuJItSu
1195 0041 0045 0045 0163 0123 grunDIg 0193 0128 0201 0147 0016 0120 0145 0019 0134 0045 0006 0162
1011 1019 1088 0205 1020
1075 1024 1203
1076 1056
1077 1059
funaI futuretecH ge
0159 0121
0145 0087
0133 0029
HaLL Mark Harman kardon
1088 0128 0123 0045
HItacHI Hytek InkeL Jcpenney
1019 0158 1088 0045 0123
1024 0157
1056 0045
JenSen JVc kec kLH
BDS 270/BDS 570
Lg (goLDStar)
Aux Component Remote-Control Code List
Code Numbers
0132 0013 0128 2004 0172 0122 0110 0101 0002
Code Numbers
0145 2003 0132 0128 0124 0022 0020
LLoytron LoDgenet LxI MagnaVox
0173 0069 0148 0148 0040
Sanyo Scott
0054 0132 0145 0132 0084 0069 0212 0028
0026 0128 0132 0128 0045 0128 0077
0145 0145 2007 0123 0069
0077 0132 2008 0115 0128 2009 0123 2010 0030 2011
SearS SHarp SIeMenS SIgnature Sony
MarantZ MeMorex MetZ Mga MItSuBISHI
0148 0128 0084 0128 0168 0077
0123 0167
0115 0160 0128 0123 0115
SounDeSIgn SyLVanIa SyMpHonIc
0128 0148 0184 0077 0063 0181 0128 0132 0069 0156 0191 0051 0128 0202 0132 0160 0128 0011 0001 0148 0017 0128 0128 0090
0045 0145 0128 0123 0025
Mtc MotoroLa natIonaL nec oLeVIa optonIca orIon panaSonIc pHILco pHILIpS
0176 2005 0182 0125 0007 0077 0211 0169 0148 0148 0035
tanDy tatung
0181 0123
0180 0121
0179 0115
0177 0010
tecHnIcS tecHWooD teknIka teLerent
0210 0148 0132 0145 0034 0123 0004 0128
0209 0087 0128 0132 0033 0024 0005
tera tHoMSon
0190 0052 2020 2021
0123 0128
0115 0123
0045 0036
tIVo tMk toSHIBa toteVISIon
pIoneer poLaroID portLanD proScan proton QuaSar raDIo SHack rca
0128 0003 0132 0133 0165 0087 0197 0163 0115
VIDeo conceptS VIDtecH
0132 0032 0196 0161 0021 0167 0152 0123
VIeWSonIc VIZIo WarDS WeStIngHouSe yaMaHa york ZenItH
0038 0002 0132 0018 0123
0180 0145 2001 0045 0044 0059
0132 0133 2012
0128 0128
0045 0123
0128 0023
reaLIStIc runco SaMpo
0196 0153 0128
BDS 270/BDS 570
Cable Tuners
aBc aLLegro aMerIcaSt arcHer BeLcor Bt caBLe caBLe Star caBLetIMe cItIZen cLyDe caBLeVISIon coMcaSt DeScat canaL DIgI LInk eagLe eaStern eMerSon fILMnet foxteL france teLecoM g. I. gc eLectronIcS gec geMInI generaL generaL InStruMent HanLIn
Aux Component Remote-Control Code List
Code Numbers
3011 3111 3212 3112 3113 4007 3113 4008 3111 4017 3007 4010 3114 3186 3070 3112 4018 4019 4013 3097 3113 4017 3060 3210 3210 3208 3056 3175 3117 3101 3100 3099 3032 4021 3096 3017 3011 3001 4020 3066 4014 3033 4011 4012 4016 3001
oak pace panaSonIc pantHer pHILIpS pIoneer
Code Numbers
3220 3179 3214 3114 3090 3216 3001 3085 3215 4002 3112 3053 3111 3020 3209 3019 3171 3013 3119 4023 3041 3189 3177 3176 3053 3197
raDIo SHack rca recoton regaL reMBranDt SageM SaMSung SatBox ScIentIfIc atLanta SeaM SIgnature Sprucer StarcoM Stargate tanDy teLecapatIon teLeSerVIce texScan tfc tIVo
3213 3214 3116 3208 3032 4028 3003 4004 3222 4025 3121 3188 3189 3163 3120 3024 3028 4011 3036 3122 3029 3205 4027 3011 3113 3211 3190 4009 4007 3219
3221 4026
3001 3177 3011 3081 3002 3053
3030 3170
HItacHI JaSco JerroLD
3188 3111 3210 3017
tocoM tuDI
3188 3011
3162 3002
3097 3001
3096 4001
3073 4022
unIteD caBLe unIVerSaL VIDeoWay VIeWStar
4001 3042 3124 3089 3086 3053 3025 3019 3039 3034 3033
LInSay MacoM MagnaVox MoVIe tIMe nSc
3118 3191 3068 3039 3190 3019 3035 3035 3017
VISIopaSS WeStMInSter caBLe ZenItH
BDS 270/BDS 570
Satellite Tuners
aIWa akaI aLBa aMStraD ankaro aStro
Aux Component Remote-Control Code List
Code Numbers
6041 6033 6001 6032 6021 6076 6082 6077 6083 6078 6079 6080 6081 6011
HItacHI HouSton tracker HugHeS HuMax Itt Itt-nokIa JanIeL JerroLD
Code Numbers
5055 5063 5089 6007 6067 6067 5066 5084 6001 6080 6043 5053 6074 6075 6061 5071 5073 6033 6006 5053 6090 6090 5007 5012 6080 6030 6040 5023 6067 5073 5066 6090 5087 6064 5028 6067 6024 6048 6053 6063 6046 6036 6046 6073 6090 5019 6053 6063 5070 5061 6064 5069 6065 5065 6074 5017 5068 6033 5054 6080 6090 5037 5005 5006 5004 6006 6011
BarcoM BIrDVIeW BLaupunkt BuSH BuSH (uk) canaL canaL DIgItaL canaL pLuS (canaL +) cHanneL MaSter cHaparraL cItoH DIrectV DISH netWork Drake Dx antenna ecHoStar
6021 5025 6038 6006 6053 6013 6013 6013 5061 5051 5060 5009 5064 5081 5083 5085 5052 5013 5079 5084 5097 5018 5052 5078 5095 5017 5031 5077 5064 5063 6047 5053 5013 5010 5014 6002 6003 6005 5025 5016 5021 5015 5020 6090 6048
katHreIn koSMoS kyoto gMI atLanta LegenD LeMon LoeWe LorenZen MacoM MagnaVox MarantZ MaSpro MeMorex MetZ MInerVa MItSuBISHI MotoroLa MuLtIStar
eLectro HoMe ferguSon fInLux foxteL fte fuBa fuJItSu generaL InStruMent gooDManS grunDIg
5092 6006 6009 6016 6080 6014 5034 5074 2011 6011 6015 6038 6053 6067 6090 6021 5029 5068 5003 6047 5024 5054 5003 5065 5023 6011 6010 6024 6045 6048 6052
nec neta p562 nextWaVe nokIa norSat optIMuS otto VerSanD pace
pace MSS SerIeS
BDS 270/BDS 570
Satellite Tuners
panaSonIc panSat perSonaL caBLe pHILIpS
Aux Component Remote-Control Code List
Code Numbers
5069 5020 5018 5075 6053 6019 6021 6024 6032 6033 5066 5057 5053 6024 6031
Sky Sky MaSter SkyLaB Sony Star cHoIce DBS StarcaSt Super guIDe
Code Numbers
6006 6033 6021 5005 5059 5047 5023 6047 5009 6041 6083 6023 6011 5070 5080 5054 5062 5079 5051 5061 5066 5050 5060 5003 5049 5026 5089 5048 5002 5083 5032 6045 6048 6052 6053 6063 5093 5091 5090 5033 5030 5027 5062
pIco preMIere preSIDent QuaDraL QueLLe raDIoLa raDIx rca reaLIStIc SaMSung Sat SateLLIte SerVIce ScIentIfIc atLanta ScHneIDer SIeMenS
5007 6008 5004 6066 6090 6053 6047 5090 5080 5042 6027 5088 5039 6053 6038 6090 5035 5065 5049 5022 5026 6027 6032 6080 5039 5001 5058 5058 5081 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071
tecHnISat teecoM teLecoM teLefunken tHornferguSon toppfIeLD toSHIBa unIDen
VIaSat 5056 Vortec WISI ZeHnDer ZenItH
6012 6032 6004 6027 5088 6042 6022 6080 5019 5094 5087 5085 5084 6026 6027 6047
BDS 270/BDS 570
BDS 570 Receiver and BDS 270 Receiver
Audio Section
continuous average power, stereo model: Multichannel power (BDS 570 only): Input sensitivity/impedance (line inputs): Signal-to-noise ratio (IHf-a): frequency response @ 1W (±0. 5dB): Slew rate:
65 watts per channel, 20Hz 20kHz, @ <0. 1% tHD, both channels driven into 6 ohms 65 watts per channel, 20Hz 20kHz, @ <0. 1% tHD, into 6 ohms 250mV/46k ohms 90dB 20Hz 20kHz 40V/µsec
FM Tuner Section
frequency range: usable sensitivity IHf: Signal-to-noise ratio (mono/stereo): Distortion (mono/stereo): Stereo separation: Image rejection: If rejection: 87. 5MHz 108. 0MHz (uS and eu) >14dBf 60dB/55dB 0. 3%/0. 5% 45dB @ 1kHz 70dB 80dB
Disc Player Section
Supported disc formats: 5-inch (12cm) or 3-inch (8cm) BD-Video (single-layer or double-layer), DVD-Video, DVD+r/+rW, DVD-r/-rW, cDDa (cD digital audio), cD-r/rW discs
region code (BD/DVD): Model / area where sold: BDt 3 / uSa, canada: BDt 30 / europe, Middle east: BDt 30 / korea, S. asia: BDt 3 / Mexico, Latin america: BDt 30 / australia, new Zeland: BDt 30 / russia, India: BDt 30 / china:
audio formats: Still-image formats: Video signal system: frequency response: Signal-to-noise ratio: Dynamic range: tHD @ 1kHz (DVD/cD): Wow & flutter:
a/1 B/2 a/3 a/4 B/4 c/5 c/6
Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital plus, Dolby trueHD, DtS Digital, DtS-HD High resolution audio, DtS-HD Master audio, pcM, Mp3: 32kbps 320kbps bitrates, including variable-bitrate encoding Jpeg, gIf and png ntSc (uSa) or paL (eu) 20Hz 20kHz ±0. 5dB 90dB (a-weighted) 90dB (16-bit) 0. 1% Below measurable limits
Video Section
television format: HDMI version: ntSc or paL (selectable) v. 1. 4a with 3-D and 30/36-bit Deep color
power requirement: power consumption: Dimensions (H x W x D): Weight:
Depth measurement does not include terminal connections. [. . . ]